Dylan Woock - Head of Design + Bivvi Co-Founder

Dylan Woock grew up in the Willamette Valley and Central Oregon, running through the sagebrush exploring the many wonders of the High Desert and its intricate beauty.  He attended the University of Oregon School of Architecture and Allied Arts in Eugene, Oregon, where he was able to work and travel in Canada and Germany while earning his BArch in 2013.

While in Eugene, Dylan discovered a passion for sustainable design practices and sought to study how designers could integrate fundamental knowledge from the land, people and culture into architecture to make better buildings and design.

Among other professional pursuits, in 2019 Dylan co-founded Bivvi, an outdoor lifestyle company focused on designing and manufacturing minimalist and modern pre-fabricated portable cabins.

In his free time, you can find Dylan snowboarding on the slopes of Hoodoo and Mount Bachelor, riding the local mountain bike trails, or exploring the woods on a backpacking trip.


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Get to know Dylan

Best Sandwich?: Turkey cranberry on rosemary.

What’s the one thing you own that you really should throw out?: Baseball cards from the ‘90s

What’s the scariest animal?: Wolf.

Apples or oranges?: Apples.

Have you ever asked someone for their autograph?: Yes… Travis Pastrana.

Favorite action movie?: Lord of the Rings.

Favorite Smell?: Cedar.

Least favorite smell?: A city street.

First concert?: Lyrics Born at the Domino Room.

Aliens real or not?: Real

If you could go anywhere on your next vacation where would it be?: Japan.

Cats or Dogs?: Dogs.

One thing interesting about you that nobody knows?: I love crystals.