Sarah Pierce - Licensed Architect

Sarah Pierce received her degree in architecture at Portland State University in 2014. Since graduating, she has acquired a range of experience from big box industrial to small-scale commercial project design throughout the Portland metro area. 

Sarah has always been struck by the beauty of natural, living spaces. Her family roots are embedded in a rich legacy of logging and woodworking, which extends through several generations.  Growing up in Oregon's Willamette Valley and surrounded by her dad's Timber Framing shop, she discovered her love and appreciation for the attention to detail that goes into the craft of building a home.  

In 2020, Sarah left the Portland metro area to pursue projects that focused on residential design, which allowed her to leave a personal touch on the finished projects.  She prides herself on her ability to forge meaningful relationships with clients, enabling her to understand their lifestyle, daily routines, and hopes for their new home.  This allows her to craft a personalized vision that speaks to her clients' unique tastes and needs.

When not designing her clients' dream homes, you will find Sarah on her yoga mat, remodeling her home in Sisters, on the golf course with her husband John or, like most Oregonians, taking advantage of the great outdoors. 


Get to know Sarah

Best sandwich?: Packed veggie (including hummus and avocado) 

Coffee or tea? Cream or sugar?: Coffee w/ cream.

Peanut Butter, smooth or crunchy?: Crunchy (unsalted)

Love at first sight, is it real? Yes 

If you could go anywhere for your next vacation, where would it be? South America (Brazil in particular) 

Orange Juice, pulp or no pulp?: Pulp 

Aliens, real or not?: Yeah, sure.

If you get one song to listen to for the rest of your life, what is it?: A piano sonata by Mozart

Most used app on your phone?: Text Messenger

Cats or dogs?: Cats 

Apples or oranges?: Apples (green)

What is the scariest animal?: Any kind of large snake 

What’s one thing you own that you really should throw out?: Some of my shoes